Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I can't say work has been busy because I haven't really started working yet.

Anyway I think I look forward to lunch everyday cos there's so many places and nice food to try.
Yes, my motivation for the next six months.

Although the thing I detest most about work is the rush hour crowd to and from work,
it's literally being squashed like sardines on the train.
And omgosh, people REALLY do use tissue paper to reserve seats during lunch time.
That is just so pathetic because everyone does it.

Oh yes, if you were wondering,
I'm working at PricewaterhouseCoopers now,
so if you happen to be around Raffles Place, drop me a text for lunch.

Enough about work,
met up with Sherlyn on Monday.
Caught up quite a bit and we caught Meet the Parents: Little Fockers later that evening.

Stayed over at Jacqueline's chalet yesterday.
And I was talking to Kelly about how we kinda grew out of the chalet phase already,
like all of us don't get that joy when we go for chalets anymore,
how do I put this.

But yes it was still fun spending time with goood goood friends.
And I reached work omega early like 7.40am today.

Okay, bed time.
Goood night World (:

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